Ki'i Statues Are Standing Tall Again
After many months of being down for maintenance, the four 16-foot Ki'i statues have been raised again.
Originally erected on July 20, 2013 the statues had taken the toll of the intense climate here in Kōloa, and now are completely restored to like-new condition. Cracks and pukas were filled with epoxy resins, and each statue was given four coats or more of varnish and sealant.
The Kiʻi now rest on heavy-duty 316 grade stainless steel brackets, raised two inches above the surface of their new concrete footings, to prevent moisture from entering the wood. Poʻo (Chief) Rupert Rowe learned this from the way Native Americans preserve their totem poles in the Pacific Northwest.
The next step will be for the Hawaiian masons to finish the bases before the blessing ceremony, when the Kiʻis blindfolds will be removed.
Mahalo nui loa to all the hard working crew that helped restore and raise the Kiʻi Statues!